If you work at a company or organization that maintains multiple Kubernetes clusters it is fairly common to connect to multiple different kubernetes clusters throughout your day. And sometimes you want to execute a command against multiple clusters at once. For instance to get the status of a deployment across all staging clusters. You could run your kubectl command in a bash loop. That does not only require some bash logic, but also it’ll take a while to get your results because every loop iteration is an individual API round trip executed successively.

kubectl mc (short for multi cluster) supports this workflow and significantly reduces the return time by executing the necessary API requests in parallel go routines.

It’s doing that by creating a wait group channel with n max entries. The max amount of entries can be configured with the -p flag. It then iterates through a list of contexts that matched a regex, given with the -r flag, and executes the given kubectl command in parallel go routines.


While you can install the binary via go get github.com/jonnylangefeld/kubectl-mc, it is recommended to use the krew package manager. Check out their website for installation.

Run krew install mc to install mc.

In both cases a binary named kubectl-mc is made available on your path. kubectl automatically identifies binaries named kubectl-* and makes them available as kubectl plugin. So you can use it via kubectl mc.


Run kubectl mc for help and examples. Here is one to begin with:

$ kubectl mc --regex kind -- get pods -n kube-system

NAME                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
coredns-f9fd979d6-q7gnm                      1/1     Running   0          99m
coredns-f9fd979d6-zd4jn                      1/1     Running   0          99m
etcd-kind-control-plane                      1/1     Running   0          99m
kindnet-8qd8p                                1/1     Running   0          99m
kube-apiserver-kind-control-plane            1/1     Running   0          99m
kube-controller-manager-kind-control-plane   1/1     Running   0          99m
kube-proxy-nb55k                             1/1     Running   0          99m
kube-scheduler-kind-control-plane            1/1     Running   0          99m

NAME                                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
coredns-f9fd979d6-l2xdb                                      1/1     Running   0          91s
coredns-f9fd979d6-m99fx                                      1/1     Running   0          91s
etcd-another-kind-cluster-control-plane                      1/1     Running   0          92s
kindnet-jlrqg                                                1/1     Running   0          91s
kube-apiserver-another-kind-cluster-control-plane            1/1     Running   0          92s
kube-controller-manager-another-kind-cluster-control-plane   1/1     Running   0          92s
kube-proxy-kq2tr                                             1/1     Running   0          91s
kube-scheduler-another-kind-cluster-control-plane            1/1     Running   0          92s

As you can see, each context that matched the regex kind executes the kubectl command indicated through the -- surrounded by spaces.

Apart from the plain standard kubectl output, you can also have everything in json or yaml output using the --output flag. Here is an example of json output piped into jq to run a query which prints the context and the pod name for each pod:

$ kubectl mc --regex kind --output json -- get pods -n kube-system | jq 'keys[] as $k | "\($k) \(.[$k] | .items[].metadata.name)" '
"kind-another-kind-cluster coredns-66bff467f8-6xp9m"
"kind-another-kind-cluster coredns-66bff467f8-7z842"
"kind-another-kind-cluster etcd-another-kind-cluster-control-plane"
"kind-another-kind-cluster kindnet-k4vnm"
"kind-another-kind-cluster kube-apiserver-another-kind-cluster-control-plane"
"kind-another-kind-cluster kube-controller-manager-another-kind-cluster-control-plane"
"kind-another-kind-cluster kube-proxy-dllm6"
"kind-another-kind-cluster kube-scheduler-another-kind-cluster-control-plane"
"kind-kind coredns-66bff467f8-4lnsg"
"kind-kind coredns-66bff467f8-czsf6"
"kind-kind etcd-kind-control-plane"
"kind-kind kindnet-j682f"
"kind-kind kube-apiserver-kind-control-plane"
"kind-kind kube-controller-manager-kind-control-plane"
"kind-kind kube-proxy-trbmh"
"kind-kind kube-scheduler-kind-control-plane"

Check out the github repo for a speed comparison. If you have any questions or feedback email me [email protected] or tweet me @jonnylangefeld.